Monthly Business Leadership Series: Lead with Fire

Excerpt of this series

Fire has always been a sacred symbol; think of your leadership as “fire” . . . light to show the way; warmth to draw in, and heat to change. "Fire" is also an acronym for: Faith: your leadership should be founded on your Christian faith. Integrity, the #1 trait for leadership. Responsibility, to serve like Jesus, the consummate “Servant Leader”. And Enthusiasm, from the Greek, “en Theos”, or "God within". Our speaker Mike McCartney, is an executive coach who helps successful people become better leaders. He has coached executives from Fortune 500 C-suites to family-owned companies. Mike has spoken coast-to-coast and draws upon his background as a business leader, executive coach, and pro rodeo athlete to spur audiences to, Lead with FIRE! Lead with FIRE is a mix of Church teaching, leadership coaching, and colorful stories to make people think, laugh, and learn to be better leaders. Mike believes that…

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