2025 Supercharge Saturday – Cincinnati, Ohio

2025 Supercharge Saturday – Cincinnati, Ohio

Theme: Rock Solid Hope | Does it matter who holds the keys?

Would you describe your hope as ROCK SOLID? Does your current relationship with the holy father nourish your Christian Life? Join us during this jubilee year of Hope as we discover how to nourish our hope in the midst of the storms of life. Enter into Christ’s own intention for our relationship with the Holy Father and discover why it is a key ingredient for living our Christian hope in a way that is ROCK SOLID.

Never been on an Eagle Eye Retreat before? Not sure what to expect? Supercharge Saturday is a one-day retreat, with no participant cap, and no deadline to register-its the perfect opportunity for young adults, ages 18 to 35, to come and see what Eagle Eye Ministries is all about.

Our schedule will include Mass, a Holy Hour, Liturgy of the Hours and intellectual formation led by Brothers and Sisters of the Community of St. John. Meet other young adults, not only from the Greater Cincinnati Area, but for all over the USA. Dare great things for Christ and take this incredible opportunity to dive headfirst into the riches of the Faith.

Breakfast and lunch included. 

Online registration until February 14, 2025 is $35
Walk-ins are welcome, $40 at the door

Register Now!

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