
Midwest Young Adult Eagle Eye Summer Institute

August 1 – 9, 2020

We are eager to enter the twelfth year offering the Eagle Eye Summer Institute for Young Adults. Eagle Eye is different than any other young adult retreat. Father Nathan Cromly of the Community of St. John launched Eagle Eye sixteen years ago with the idea to go as deep and as intense as we possibly can at all levels: prayer, formation, friendship, and Christian living. This program is destined to give those who want it, a taste of what it means to be truly Catholic and in love with Christ. For eight days, young adults, already strong in the understanding and practice of their faith, challenge themselves to a deeper appreciation and awareness of that faith.



Minster/Northwest Ohio AUDEO Leadership Meeting

March 6, 2020 6PM

Are you interested in living your Catholic faith in all aspects of your life? Do you want to learn how to incorporate it into your work and personal lives, and in the process create a truly Christian culture? Join us as we kick-off the NW Ohio Audeo Chapter meetings in Minster, OH with Fr. Nathan Cromly, who will give you the spiritual formation and practical steps to apply the Cardinal Virtues in your business, family and culture to become the virtuous leader God calls you to be! Light appetizers and refreshments provided.