May 7-17, 2021 For eleven days you will follow...

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2019 - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2019 More information coming soon. Please come back to find out more.
SATURDAY, 15 JUNE, 2019 - SUNDAY, 23 JUNE 2019. TEENS, 16-18 years old and already strong in their Catholic Faith, are invited to a deepening of that faith during the 2019 Eagle Eye Summer Institute in Carey, OH! Come join us on an eight-day summer session full of...
FRIDAY, 10 MAY, 2019 - SUNDAY, 19 MAY, 2019. Go to where the Saints were inspired... Hear the call for our own lives! For more information, email: [email protected] or INQUIRE & REGISTER NOW!
SUNDAY, 24 FEBRUARY, 2019. Never been on an Eagle Eye Retreat before? Not sure what to expect? Supercharge Sunday is a one-day retreat, with no participant cap, and no deadline to register - it's the perfect opportunity for young adults, ages 18 to 35, to come and see...