March 6, 2020 6PM Are you interested in living...

April 1-5, 2020 Men of all ages looking to grow as leaders in their workplace, community, and family are invited to participate in this retreat, led by Fr Nathan Cromly. The retreat will begin at St. Mary Catholic Church in Aspen, with departure early Thursday morning...
MONDAY, 3 JUNE 2019. Become part of a growing Cincinnati Catholic Business Network! Come to network with other like-minded Catholic businessmen and women! Leave inspired to become all that God created you to be! For more information, email:...
MONDAY, 27 MAY 2019. Hope and the Virtuous Leader Day Retreat with Father Nathan Cromly presented by the Saint John Institute's Faith and Leadership Consortium How do you remain hopeful during times of great stress or suffering? What are the practical steps for being...
SUNDAY, 29 SEPTEMBER - WEDNESDAY 02 OCTOBER 2019. 2nd Annual Women’s Catholic Leadership Mountain Retreat with Father Nathan Cromly, CSJ presented by the Saint John Institute's Faith and Leadership Consortium Come away and rest with the Saint John Institute at the 2nd...
FRIDAY, 26 APRIL 2019. The unique distractions and temptations of our day can confuse our ability to lead ourselves, our families and careers along God’s path. The Lord is calling you to be the spiritual navigator of your family and to live that faith in your vocation...