The New Evangelization

The New Evangelization

When Our Lord left this earth, he sent his followers with the mission to make disciples of all people: “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matthew 28:19). Following this mission is a pathway to holiness that all are called to walk. Christ’s commission...
3 Lessons on the Pursuit of Greatness

3 Lessons on the Pursuit of Greatness

What do monks, Olympians, and entrepreneurs all share in common? At first glance, it is the differences between the three callings that appear most starkly. Monks devote their life to inconspicuous prayer and work in the stillness and stability of a monastic setting,...
Simon Sinek and the Church’s Mission

Simon Sinek and the Church’s Mission

Why is Apple so much more innovative than its competitors? Why did the Wright Brothers, not more qualified or highly financed flight students, make the first flight? Simon Sinek, professor at Columbia University and leadership speaker, has not merely asked these...